Tuesday, December 4, 2007



In my shell I exist
Fearful, afraid to live
Enclosed by my past
I drown in nothingness

A walk down that path
To trust a stranger without
To give life a peek within
Words and thought, indeed deeds

It starts with a word…my deed
A desire to be heard… my thought
To feel life once more…my word
Freedom lost to time…mine

Yet I bleed
Letting each word speak
Letting each word think
Alas they reveal too much

Excitement creeps into my soul
My words take flight…soaring
A placid smile breaks my fear
In life I stand…coded to the world
Un-coding…Un-coded to him

Boyce 2007

All my life I have lived in fear of revelation. Revelation of what, I am yet to comprehend. My desires and goals are filled with sinful, yet exciting things. Everyday I watch myself engage the world on different playing fields. This poem expresses a moment in time when I met a fellow poet. Unlike me, he was not lost. I needed his confidence, I needed his friendship. Time will tell how close we will become.
Like me, most people search all their life for a listening ear. An ear without judgment. An ear without the prosecution. Our souls need to release some kind of testimony. It brings life, even in darkness. That is where I stand.

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