Friday, March 28, 2008

A Song In March

A Song In March

I will left up my eye to the hill
From where comes my Hope
With wings of gold it sails on to me
Reflecting the warmth of the sun
I can finally see my path a-new

I reach within my soul
I find joy everlasting
Birth from pain and tears
I see each scar heal to all
My eye is rich with vision

Out of my darkness I will come forth
Shining like my fathers words and love
A simple sheep stained with sorrow
Yet I stand upon that which is greater than I
I speak words of life and faith through hope

I walk amongst men a god, tested and tried
A diamond formed out of time and tribulation
I have ran many races and lost most
I have began many battles and lost many
Yet here I am with breathe and hope

Awake to all that is new and uplifting
I find that within, a new breed is come
Something unseen, unknown, unheard
My new me I bow to you once more
With the father’s words you will stand

My name is Stanley Boyce Bassey Nsemo livingstone
The son of Felix Okon Nsemo
I am a love child
Raised with hope and dreams
I carry my people’s flaws
I carry my people’s strengths
I fall, I bleed and I stand again…bloody and broken.

Now onto him that has kept me
Now onto him that has saved me
Now onto him that I call father
I will lift my eyes to you without fear
For a new day is come.